When I bought my MacBook in mid 2006, I thought nothing could possibly surpass it in terms of looks and build. It's slick, it's clean, it's white, it's slim, it's terribly modern and sophisticated.
And then Apple go and release the MacBook Air. It's slimmer, it's slicker, it's cleaner, it's made of freaking aluminium. The trackpad has been upgraded so you can use the gestures you use on the iPhone (which I had the pleasure of playing with the other day) - pinch, flick, rotate and all that jazz. Instead of having an onboard optical drive which is sooo last year, you can wirelessly access the optical drive of another computer if you simply must use it. And it has a backlit keyboard, a la the MacBook Pro. And it comes with an 80GB hard drive, with 64GB flash storage as an upgrade.
Fuck you, Apple, for making me love my MacBook less.
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